Tropical Style

Do Potted Plants Grow Better Interior of Transparent or Non-Transparent Pots?

Watching plant roots grow in transparent pots gives an intriguing look below the surface, but those clear walls do not suit all plants. Many typical potted plants grow better in nontransparent containers. For plants which naturally grow in soil, opaque pots lead to greater growth above and below ground. Sensors with light-seeking air roots, which obviously grow without soil, do nicely in containers that are clear.

Soil Roots and Darkness

When roots naturally grow below the soil surface, neighboring light signs they are headed the incorrect way. Like roots, roots feature growth-directing hormones known as auxins, which tell them which way to grow. In precisely the same way that upper growth on plants bends toward well-lit windows, roots naturally develop from light. They seek protective and shadow moisture rather. In transparent pots, these roots avoid light-penetrated areas of soil. Forced into high-light locations, light-sensitive roots recoil and slow or stop growth. When light dries soil out, tender root ideas may endure.

Air Roots and Light

Some roots were meant to see daylight and pull energy from the sun. Epiphytes, sometimes referred to as air compressors, draw water and nutrients from the air through exposed roots which cling to stones or trees. Transparent pots supply these roots with inviting homes much like their natural surroundings. Epiphytic moth orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.) , sturdy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12, thrive in clear pots. Moth orchid roots contain chloroplasts, seek out light and carry out photosynthesis. In nontransparent pots, healthy roots remain white and business. Exposed to light through clear pots, moth orchid roots turn green with chlorophyll.

Clear Pots and Epiphytes

Air roots desire a delicate balance between air and moisture. Too much or too little water hinders healthy growth. Moth orchid roots, by way of example, need to dry out slightly between waterings. The roots do not store water, nor do they tolerate drought, but given an excessive amount of water, they suffocate and drown. Epiphyte leaves may not show distress until the damage is done. Clear containers require the guesswork out of watering these roots; moisture and dryness are easily seen. Moth orchid roots often escape opaque pots in search of light. They remain content and confined in transparent pots.

Dark Pots and Soil-Dwellers

Nontransparent pots encourage naturally soil-dwelling plants to take up every inch of soil. To gain from soil nutrition, roots require nutrients in soluble forms they can consume. Some nutrients move easily through soil with water, but others remain motionless and barely move in any respect. Unless roots venture into soil where those enzymes lie, they miss out on their benefits. Light-dried soil limits absorption, too. Soil-dwelling plants grown in nontransparent, light-blocking pots take everything in. They develop more extensive, healthier root systems and much better above-ground growth when compared to their containers allow light through.

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