
The best way to Hang Drywall Anchors

The most most dependable means of placing a shelf into a wall or hanging a photo would be to attach its screws that are supporting into a stud that exists behind the dry wall. These wood braces aren’t always conveniently situated. In these instances, it is possible to attach your screws by using dry wall anchors to the dry wall itself.

Locate a place on the dry wall that’s no utility, pipe or stud construction behind it. You use an electronic or magnetic stud finder or can tap on the wall till you hear a sound. Make sure that the location you you choose isn’t near Plumbing Services Sacramento repair specialists fixtures or any containers.

Mark a level on the area using a pencil.

Drill a tiny hole in the marked level utilizing the drillbit specified on the dry wall anchor packaging. Use, if no specification exists. In the event the anchor includes a point that is sharp, it’s self- also you may skip this and drilling.

Position small stage of the anchor to the hole before the anchor sinks in up to the rim and press. You might need to hammer the anchor to force down it. In the event the anchor is self-drilling, place it before the rim is against the wall and screw it in using the screwdriver. Your anchor is connected to the wall and is prepared to obtain the screws. You can place the end of the screw from the hole. Use the screwdriver till it sinks to the wall as well as the anchor.

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