The only opportunity you need to use a drill when installing a drip irrigation system is when you are installing the drip emitters. They’ve barbed connectors made to fit into 1/4-inch polybutylene tubing, and should you install them directly to the 1/2- or 5/8-inch main PB waterlines, then you need to make holes for them. You can purchase a punch to produce these holes, but the punch can be difficult to use, particularly in sunny weather once the tubing is hot and pliable. A drill makes the job of punching the holes simpler. Fit a variable-speed drill with a 3-16-inch drill bit. It will make a hole slightly smaller in diameter than the barbs of the emitters, ensuring a tight fit. Mark the place on a span of 1/2- or 5/8-inch tubing on that you would like to set up an emitter, using a nail to make an indentation. Hold…
Month: March 2015
The way to Reroof Your Gazebo
Like a house or garage roof, a gazebo roof is more prone to wear and damage, finally requiring replacement. A gazebo typically has an asphalt shingle roof because that kind of shingle is flexible, easily conforming to the curves at each roof fashionable — the ridge where two sides of the roof meet. Gazebos often have four, six or eight sides, which translates to a equal number of triangular roof segments that are joined with a cap along each joint. Rent scaffolding so that you can access your gazebo’s roof safely and easily. Scrape off the gazebo’s present roof shingles with a ripped shovel, pitchfork or similar tool. Work from the bottom edge of the roof up to the summit. Insert the tool’s blade under the underside seams and push it up along the roof to break up the shingles. Eliminate the old felt paper underlayment, and pry up all…
The way to construct Curved Wood Planters
Raised bed planters as well as a home foundation or beside a Shrub Removal equipment Phoenix, AZ dip provide a spot for planting San Diego, and a wooden bed with curved edges helps soften the harsh, direct lines of the home or building walls. Most wood doesn’t bend easily, but with a combination of flexible bender board and narrow boards installed vertically, you can form gradual curves in your raised planter design. The planter area is open at the bottom so it drains freely to the soil. Lay a Grass Care service Fort Lauderdale hose on the Landscaping design Flagstaff, AZ to indicate where you want to construct the raised planter, utilizing the flexible hose to form the gradual curves of the plan. Spray along the hose with Landscaping ideas Boise, ID spray paint to mark the design. Drive a 2-foot-long, 2-by-2-inch wooden stake 12 inches to the Landscaping cost…