Tenant screening companies exist to filter applicants that are troubled out. Once evicted, the judgment comes upon renter documents quickly and also affects your credit score. If your next landlord discovers out an eviction on your account, it is a strong negative mark to overcome. Needless to say, it is always sensible to make sure to cover the lease before indulging in any conveniences. Tenant Screening Law Legally, the landlord can get your Social Security number, last known address and driver’s license number so as to run a background and credit check. According to the Fair Housing Act, it is strictly illegal to utilize this info to discriminate. Additionally, it is illegal to screen based on a renter’s ethnicity, race, language, color, sexual orientation, marital status, sex, age or disability. If the eviction stems from some of these above factors, it is wrongful and can be prosecuted as a civil…
How Quickly Does an Eviction Show Up on a Tenant Screening Report?