
Air Conditioning Repair DIY

When your AC repair system stops functioning during a heat wave, you may have to wait a long time before a technician can come to your place. But if you are comfortable working with electrical appliances and you’re willing to spend some time to fix the unit yourself, you can surely save yourself hundreds of dollars in labor cost.

Below are a few DIY tips when it comes to repairing a home air conditioning system:

Check if Furnace is the Problem

Set the thermostat to AC mode and then lower the setting of the temperature. If the furnace fan will kick in, then the problem is not the furnace. However, if the fan will not run, try to reset the circuit breaker of the furnace. This might just solve the problem. But if the fan will still not start, then it’s time to call a professional.

Purchase Certain Parts

A lot of times, the contactor and the start/run capacitors of the HVAC Sacramento repair specialists system will just stop functioning. These parts are inexpensive so you might as well purchase new replacements. This is especially advisable if your air conditioning system is already more than five years old. The condenser fan motor may also fail, however, it costs around $150 for a new replacement. You may want to hold off buying it and get the unit checked, except if you are certain that this part is really the problem.

When buying replacement parts, look for the nameplate at the condensing unit. List down the model, make, and serial number. Go to a furnace dealer or an appliance store and see if they sell this part.

Begin With the Easy Fixes

If you are receiving little or no cold air, you may need to check certain things within the Sacramento AC repair specialists repair system. First, check if all the registers are wide open. Make sure that the filter of the furnace is free of dirt and debris. Go out of your house and clean the condenser coils. If some registers are closed or the filter is clogged, the reduced flow of air may have caused the coil to ice up, thereby preventing the cooling of your home.

If you have replaced the filter and you have opened the registers and there’s still no airflow at the registers, remove the A-coil. Turn off the thermostat mode and turn on the auto mode. Leave the blower to run for about 30 minutes or until there is enough airflow going out of the registers. Turn on the AC to test it. If it works for the next 12 hours, then you have solved the problem.

Test the Fuses

Most disconnected blocks have two cartridge fuses. It is best to check them before you go on with the repairs. A blown fuse is a clear indication that the condensing unit is falling apart. Therefore, don’t just replace the unit and assume that you have already solved the issue. Instead, replace the broken parts and install new fuses. Turn the HVAC Boston repair specialists services unit on. If it blows again, you might as well call a professional because it probably has a more serious problem.